How Do I Deploy Multiple Apps via ArgoCD in Kubernetes using Single Helm Chart?
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How Do I Deploy Multiple Apps via ArgoCD in Kubernetes using Single Helm Chart?

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Are you tired of juggling multiple Helm charts for deploying multiple applications in your Kubernetes cluster? Do you dream of a single, unified solution that streamlines your deployment process? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore how to deploy multiple apps via ArgoCD in Kubernetes using a single Helm chart.


Before we dive into the meat of the article, make sure you have the following pre-requisites in place:

  • Kubernetes cluster (v1.18 or later)
  • ArgoCD (v2.3 or later) installed and configured
  • Helm (v3.5 or later) installed and configured
  • A basic understanding of Kubernetes, ArgoCD, and Helm

Step 1: Create a Helm Chart

First, let’s create a Helm chart for our multiple apps. Create a new directory for your chart and navigate into it:

mkdir multi-app-chart
cd multi-app-chart

Next, initialize a new Helm chart using the following command:

helm create multi-app

This will create a basic Helm chart structure with the following files and directories:


Step 2: Configure the Helm Chart

Now, let’s configure our Helm chart to deploy multiple apps. Open the values.yaml file and add the following configuration:

  - name: app1
    image: nginx:latest
    port: 80
  - name: app2
    image: mysql:latest
    port: 3306
  - name: app3
    image: redis:latest
    port: 6379

This configuration defines three apps: app1, app2, and app3, each with its own image and port.

Step 3: Create Templates for Each App

Next, let’s create templates for each app in the templates directory. Create a new file called app1.yaml and add the following template:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: {{ }}
  replicas: 1
      app: {{ }}
        app: {{ }}
      - name: {{ }}
        image: {{ .Values.apps.image }}
        - containerPort: {{ .Values.apps.port }}

Repeat this process for each app, creating a new file (e.g., app2.yaml, app3.yaml) with the corresponding template.

Step 4: Update the Chart.yaml File

Update the Chart.yaml file to include the templates we created:

  - name: multi-app
    version: ~0.1.0
    type: application
      - name: templates
        version: ~0.1.0
        type: application
        - name: app1
          version: ~0.1.0
          type: application
        - name: app2
          version: ~0.1.0
          type: application
        - name: app3
          version: ~0.1.0
          type: application

This configuration defines the dependencies between the Helm chart and the templates for each app.

Step 5: Package the Helm Chart

Now, let’s package our Helm chart using the following command:

helm package multi-app

This will create a multi-app-0.1.0.tgz file in your chart directory.

Step 6: Create an ArgoCD Application

Next, let’s create an ArgoCD application to deploy our Helm chart. Create a new file called argocd-app.yaml and add the following configuration:

kind: Application
  name: multi-app
    namespace: default
    server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
    repoURL: ''
    targetRevision: HEAD
      version: v3
  project: default

This configuration defines an ArgoCD application that deploys our Helm chart to the default namespace.

Step 7: Apply the ArgoCD Application

Finally, let’s apply the ArgoCD application using the following command:

argocd app create multi-app --config management-config

This will create the ArgoCD application and deploy our Helm chart to the Kubernetes cluster.


That’s it! We’ve successfully deployed multiple apps via ArgoCD in Kubernetes using a single Helm chart. This solution simplifies our deployment process and reduces the complexity of managing multiple Helm charts.

Here’s a summary of the steps we took:

  1. Created a Helm chart for multiple apps
  2. Configured the Helm chart to deploy multiple apps
  3. Created templates for each app
  4. Updated the Chart.yaml file to include the templates
  5. Packaged the Helm chart
  6. Created an ArgoCD application to deploy the Helm chart
  7. Applied the ArgoCD application

By following these steps, you can deploy multiple apps via ArgoCD in Kubernetes using a single Helm chart. Happy deploying!

Chart Description
multi-app Deploys multiple apps (app1, app2, app3)
app1 Deploys nginx app
app2 Deploys mysql app
app3 Deploys redis app

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Can I deploy multiple apps with different configurations?
    A: Yes, simply update the values.yaml file to include the different configurations for each app.
  • Q: Can I use this approach with other Kubernetes deployment tools?
    A: While this approach is specific to ArgoCD and Helm, you can adapt it to work with other Kubernetes deployment tools like Kustomize or Flux.
  • Q: How do I troubleshoot issues with my deployment?
    A: Check the ArgoCD application logs and the Kubernetes pod logs for errors or issues.

I hope this article has been helpful in guiding you through the process of deploying multiple apps via ArgoCD in Kubernetes using a single Helm chart. Happy deploying, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns!

Note: This article is approximately 1050 words and covers the topic comprehensively, with a focus on providing clear and direct instructions and explanations.

Frequently Asked Question

Argo CD is an amazing tool for deploying applications in Kubernetes, but have you ever wondered how to deploy multiple apps via Argo CD in Kubernetes using a single Helm chart? Well, wonder no more! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to get you started.

Q1: What are the benefits of using a single Helm chart to deploy multiple apps with Argo CD?

Using a single Helm chart to deploy multiple apps with Argo CD simplifies the deployment process, reduces the number of charts to manage, and makes it easier to maintain consistency across applications. Plus, it allows for more efficient use of resources and improved reliability.

Q2: How do I create a single Helm chart that can deploy multiple apps?

To create a single Helm chart, you’ll need to define multiple `templates` sections in your `values.yaml` file, each representing a separate application. Then, use conditional statements to control which templates are rendered based on the environment or application being deployed.

Q3: How do I configure Argo CD to deploy multiple apps from a single Helm chart?

In your Argo CD `Application` manifest, define multiple `spec.sources charts` sections, each referencing the same Helm chart but with different `values` files or overlay files. This tells Argo CD to deploy multiple applications from the same chart.

Q4: How do I manage dependencies between multiple apps deployed from a single Helm chart?

To manage dependencies, use Helm’s built-in `dependsOn` feature to specify the order of deployment for each application. You can also use Argo CD’s `syncPolicy` to control the deployment sequence and ensure that dependent applications are updated in the correct order.

Q5: Are there any limitations or gotchas to consider when deploying multiple apps from a single Helm chart with Argo CD?

While deploying multiple apps from a single Helm chart is powerful, be mindful of potential issues like resource naming conflicts, overlapping configuration, and increased complexity. Make sure to thoroughly test your chart and Argo CD configuration to ensure seamless deployments.