Add TLS Certificate in OpenShift Container’s Trusted CA Root Certificate Store: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Add TLS Certificate in OpenShift Container’s Trusted CA Root Certificate Store: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you struggling to secure your OpenShift container with a trusted TLS certificate? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of adding a TLS certificate to your OpenShift container’s trusted CA root certificate store. By the end of this article, you’ll have a secure and trusted connection between your container and the outside world.

Why Do I Need a Trusted TLS Certificate?

In today’s digital landscape, security is paramount. With the rise of cyberattacks and data breaches, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your containerized applications are secure. A trusted TLS certificate is essential for establishing a secure connection between your OpenShift container and external services. By adding a TLS certificate to your container’s trusted CA root certificate store, you can:

  • Establish a trusted connection with external services
  • Ensure data encryption and integrity
  • Comply with regulatory requirements
  • Boost customer trust and confidence


Before we dive into the process, make sure you have the following:

  1. A valid TLS certificate (PEM format)
  2. OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 or later
  3. A running OpenShift cluster
  4. A containerized application deployed on OpenShift

Step 1: Create a ConfigMap

In OpenShift, ConfigMaps are used to store configuration data as key-value pairs. We’ll create a ConfigMap to store our TLS certificate.

$ oc create configmap tls-certificate --from-file=certificate.pem

In the above command, replace `certificate.pem` with the name of your TLS certificate file.

Step 2: Create a Secret

A Secret is an object that stores sensitive information, such as passwords or certificates. We’ll create a Secret to store our TLS certificate.

$ oc create secret tls-certificate-secret --from-file=certificate.pem

In the above command, replace `certificate.pem` with the name of your TLS certificate file.

Step 3: Update the Container’s Trusted CA Root Certificate Store

Now, we’ll update the container’s trusted CA root certificate store to include our TLS certificate.

$ oc exec -it  -- /bin/bash

In the above command, replace `` with the name of your container.

$ update-ca-trust enable
$ update-ca-trust extract

The above commands enable and extract the trusted CA root certificate store.

$ mkdir /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors
$ cp /secret/tls-certificate-secret /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/tls-certificate.pem

In the above commands, we create a directory for our TLS certificate and copy the certificate file to the directory.

$ update-ca-trust extract

The above command updates the trusted CA root certificate store to include our TLS certificate.

Step 4: Verify the TLS Certificate

Let’s verify that our TLS certificate is correctly installed and trusted by the container.

$ openssl s_client -connect : -servername 

In the above command, replace ``, ``, and `` with the relevant values for your containerized application.

Look for the following output:

Verification: OK

If you see the above output, congratulations! You’ve successfully added your TLS certificate to your OpenShift container’s trusted CA root certificate store.


If you encounter any issues during the process, refer to the following troubleshooting tips:

Error Solution
TLS certificate not found Verify that the TLS certificate file is correctly named and located in the correct directory.
Container not updating trusted CA root certificate store Ensure that the `update-ca-trust` command is executed with the correct privileges and that the container has access to the TLS certificate file.
Verification failure Check the TLS certificate file for any errors or inconsistencies. Ensure that the certificate is correctly formatted and matches the server name.


In this article, we’ve walked you through the process of adding a TLS certificate to your OpenShift container’s trusted CA root certificate store. By following these steps, you can establish a secure and trusted connection between your containerized application and external services. Remember to regularly update and rotate your TLS certificates to maintain the highest level of security.

Now, go ahead and secure your OpenShift container with a trusted TLS certificate!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about adding TLS certificates in OpenShift container’s trusted CA root certificate store!

What is the purpose of adding a TLS certificate in OpenShift container’s trusted CA root certificate store?

Adding a TLS certificate in OpenShift container’s trusted CA root certificate store allows the container to trust the certificate and establish secure connections with external services. This ensures that the data exchanged between the container and the external service is encrypted and protected from eavesdropping, tampering, and man-in-the-middle attacks.

What are the benefits of adding a TLS certificate in OpenShift container’s trusted CA root certificate store?

The benefits of adding a TLS certificate in OpenShift container’s trusted CA root certificate store include improved security, increased trust, and better compliance with regulatory requirements. By trusting the certificate, the container can establish secure connections with external services, protecting sensitive data and preventing unauthorized access.

How do I add a TLS certificate in OpenShift container’s trusted CA root certificate store?

To add a TLS certificate in OpenShift container’s trusted CA root certificate store, you can use the OpenShift command-line tool, oc. You can run the command `oc adm ca approve-crs –certificate-authority=` to approve the certificate signing request (CSR) and add the certificate to the trusted CA root certificate store.

What is the format of the TLS certificate file that needs to be added to the trusted CA root certificate store?

The TLS certificate file should be in PEM format, which is a text-based format that includes the certificate and private key. The file should contain the certificate, private key, and any intermediate certificates, if applicable.

What happens if I don’t add the TLS certificate in OpenShift container’s trusted CA root certificate store?

If you don’t add the TLS certificate in OpenShift container’s trusted CA root certificate store, the container may not trust the certificate and may not establish a secure connection with the external service. This can lead to errors, warnings, or even security breaches, depending on the sensitivity of the data being exchanged.

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