Why does upstream have a blank “=” value in my local Git repo and how do I remove it?
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Why does upstream have a blank “=” value in my local Git repo and how do I remove it?

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Are you puzzled by the mysterious blank “=” value in your local Git repository’s upstream configuration? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Git and explore the reasons behind this phenomenon. More importantly, we’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to remove it and get your Git workflow back on track.

The Mystery of the Blank “=” Value

Before we begin, let’s take a closer look at what this blank “=” value actually means. To do this, we’ll need to examine the Git configuration file, specifically the `.git/config` file.

git config -l --local

This command will display the local Git configuration settings. Within the output, you might notice something like this:

[remote "origin"]
        url = https://github.com/your-username/your-repo.git
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
        upstream = =

The `upstream` configuration key is set to a blank “=” value. But what does this mean? Well, the `upstream` keyword is used to specify the default push and pull behavior for a Git repository. In this case, it seems like the `upstream` value is not set to a valid Git reference.

Why does this happen?

There are a few reasons why you might see a blank “=” value in your Git repository’s upstream configuration:

  • Git initialization issue: When you initialize a new Git repository using `git init`, the `upstream` configuration key might not be set correctly, leading to a blank “=” value.
  • Repository cloning issue: When you clone a Git repository, the `upstream` configuration key might not be set correctly, resulting in a blank “=” value.
  • Manual configuration error: If you manually edit the `.git/config` file and accidentally set the `upstream` value to a blank “=”, this can cause the issue.

How to Remove the Blank “=” Value

Now that we’ve identified the possible reasons behind the blank “=” value, let’s move on to the solution. There are two approaches to remove the blank “=” value: manually editing the `.git/config` file or using Git commands.

Manual Editing of the .git/config File

To manually edit the `.git/config` file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the `.git/config` file in a text editor using the following command:
  2. git config -e --local
  3. Find the `[remote “origin”]` section and locate the `upstream` configuration key.
  4. Remove the blank “=” value and replace it with the correct Git reference. For example:
  5. [remote "origin"]
            url = https://github.com/your-username/your-repo.git
            fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
            upstream = refs/heads/master
  6. Save the changes to the `.git/config` file.

Using Git Commands

If you’re not comfortable editing the `.git/config` file manually, you can use Git commands to remove the blank “=” value.

git config --local --unset remote.origin.upstream

This command will remove the `upstream` configuration key from the local Git repository. Then, you can set the correct `upstream` value using the following command:

git config --local --add remote.origin.upstream refs/heads/master

Replace `refs/heads/master` with the correct Git reference for your repository.

Verifying the Changes

After making the changes, it’s essential to verify that the blank “=” value has been removed. You can do this by running the following command:

git config -l --local

This will display the updated local Git configuration settings. Look for the `upstream` configuration key and ensure that it’s set to a valid Git reference.

Common Git References

When setting the `upstream` configuration key, you might wonder what Git reference to use. Here are some common Git references:

Git Reference Description
`refs/heads/master` The default branch of the remote repository (usually `master`).
`refs/heads/main` The default branch of the remote repository (usually `main`).
`refs/tags/v1.0` A specific tag in the remote repository (e.g., `v1.0`).

Remember to replace the Git reference with the correct one for your repository.


In this article, we’ve explored the mysterious blank “=” value in the `upstream` configuration key of your local Git repository. We’ve identified the possible reasons behind this issue and provided step-by-step instructions on how to remove it using manual editing and Git commands. By following these instructions, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your Git workflow back on track.

Remember to always verify the changes to your Git configuration settings to ensure that the blank “=” value has been removed.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if I have multiple remote repositories? If you have multiple remote repositories, you’ll need to update the `upstream` configuration key for each repository individually.
  • Can I use the same Git reference for all my repositories? No, you should use a different Git reference for each repository, as the default branch or tag might vary.
  • What if I’m not sure what Git reference to use? If you’re unsure what Git reference to use, you can always consult the documentation for your Git repository or seek guidance from a Git expert.

By following the instructions in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue with the blank “=” value in your local Git repository’s upstream configuration. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Confused about the mysterious blank “=” value in your local Git repo? Worry no more! We’ve got the answers to your burning questions!

What does the blank “=” value in upstream mean?

A blank “=” value in upstream typically indicates that the remote tracking information for your branch is not set. This can happen when you clone a repository with Git version 1.8 or later, or when you create a new branch without specifying the upstream tracking information.

Why does this blank “=” value appear in my local Git repo?

The blank “=” value appears when Git tries to display the upstream tracking information for your branch, but it can’t find any. This usually happens when you haven’t set the upstream tracking information for your branch, or when you’ve deleted the remote tracking information.

How do I set the upstream tracking information for my branch?

To set the upstream tracking information, use the command `git branch –set-upstream-to /`. Replace `` with the name of your remote repository (e.g., origin) and `` with the name of the branch you want to track.

Can I remove the blank “=” value from my local Git repo?

Yes, you can remove the blank “=” value by setting the upstream tracking information for your branch. Alternatively, you can use `git branch –unset-upstream` to remove the upstream tracking information altogether.

Will removing the blank “=” value affect my Git workflow?

No, removing the blank “=” value won’t affect your Git workflow. It’s simply a cosmetic change that helps you keep your Git repository organized and tidy.

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